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TDI Creative Catalyst Grant

MassDevelopment’s TDI Creative Catalyst Grant program is a competitive opportunity for individuals, organizations, and project teams in current and graduated Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) districts to apply for grants between $20,000 and $100,000 to support public-facing projects that enhance local arts and cultural infrastructure and contribute to economic revitalization.

Creative communities are central to restoring the regional significance of urban neighborhoods in Gateway Cities and advancing their overall economic development outlook. Through our support of projects ranging from public art and placemaking to the stabilization of culturally significant organizations and creative business collectives, we seek to help Gateway Cities enhance their status as distinctive cultural, community, and business anchors in today’s post-industrial environment.

The goal of this program is to support the implementation of locally initiated projects, and clusters of projects, that will be used to test new approaches and build a more inclusive and sustainable arts and culture network, as well as those that serve to make the arts and culture ecosystem of these communities more equitable and representative.

For more information: 

Alejandro Lopez, TDI Program Manager