Meg Delorier

Meg Delorier

Interim Executive Vice President Devens Operations and Director of Military Initiatives

Office: 978-784-2929

Mobile: 978-580-6954


Meg joined MassDevelopment in 2001 and serves as MassDevelopment's lead staff person in Devens with oversight of its Departments of Public Safety (including Fire and Police), Environmental Engineering, Public Works, Recreation, and Utilities. She also serves as the Director of Military Initiatives. Meg is responsible for furthering various economic development activities involving the defense sector, including outreach to defense-related companies, redevelopment of federal surplus property, development of infrastructure and real property assets to increase mission, development and implementation of operational enhancements, and creation and implementation of outreach activities and coordination of information and opportunities. She acts as the primary contact to the Executive Director of the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force. Prior to joining MassDevelopment, Meg was the Executive Director of the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce. She was also the Station Manager for the American Red Cross at Luke Air Force Base, AZ and Fort Devens, MA. Meg attended Nathaniel Hawthorne College majoring in Criminal Justice.