Nicole Obi
President & CEO, BECMA
Nicole Obi is the President & CEO of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA) whose mission is to drive economic equity and prosperity for Massachusetts to achieve inclusive growth through advocacy, programming, and strategic partnerships that enable Black-owned businesses and Black communities to thrive. She joined BECMA in 2020 as the Vice President of Member Experience & Engagement. She previously spent 12 years at Fidelity Investments, parting ways with the firm as Vice President of Customer Strategy & Engagement in 2018. She was also CEO of her own strategic consulting firm, Enterprise Advisors, after co-founding two venture-backed startup firms.
She earned two master’s degrees from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and the Department of Urban Studies Planning.
Ms. Obi currently serves on several boards and committees, including the The Alliance for Climate Transition (formerly NECEC), the Environment League of Massachusetts, the MassHire State Workforce Development Board, the Intensive Community Program of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Women’s Foundation of Boston, the Governor's Advisory Council on Black Empowerment, the Boston Local Development Corporation (BLDC), as well as Longfellow Investment Management’s Board of Advisors. Ms. Obi was recently appointed to the New England Aquarium Board of Trustees and as the Chair of Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office’s Diverse and Small Business Advisory Board. She is also a member of the Boston Chapter of the Links, Inc.