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Crowdfunding Campaign Launched for Community Space in Downtown Ashland

$25,000 goal to win matching grant through MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places Initiative
October 19, 2016


Meggie Quackenbush, MassDevelopment, 617-330-2011 & 857-208-2777 (cell)

Jonathan Berk, Patronicity, 617-750-6008

Beth Reynolds, Town of Ashland, 508-881-0100 x7905

MassDevelopment and the Town of Ashland today announced a new campaign through the civic crowdfunding platform Patronicity and the Commonwealth Places initiative. The campaign will support the development of a 17,000-square-foot vacant lot in downtown Ashland into a large public space called “The Corner Spot” featuring seating, landscaping, public performance space and retail space where small businesses can open temporary pop-up store locations to test new business ideas and ventures.

If the campaign reaches its crowdfunding goal of $25,000 by December 8, 2016 at midnight, the project will win a matching grant with funds from MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places program.

“The Corner Spot will help Ashland’s downtown become a thriving, bustling center where residents can shop, eat, play and connect,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones. “MassDevelopment is thrilled to help support the creation of a vibrant new destination for the community, and I look forward to watching Commonwealth Places build upon its past success with this project in Ashland.”

With its central location in downtown Ashland, The Corner Spot will stimulate economic activity for existing businesses, allow potential new businesses to test ideas, showcase the surrounding area to future developers, and create an outdoor space for residents to reconnect and enjoy their community. For more information, visit www.patronicity.com/Ashland.

“We really want to use this space to revitalize our downtown and make it a place where the community can come together. That’s truly what this space is all about,” said Beth Reynolds, Economic Development Director for the Town of Ashland.

Commonwealth Places is a collaborative effort from MassDevelopment and Patronicity that leverages public support for placemaking projects through crowdfunding and a matching grant from MassDevelopment. The program engages residents in the development of strategic projects in their towns and cities. To date, Commonwealth Places projects in Danvers and Orange have reached their goals, and the initiative is assisting ongoing campaigns for projects in Northampton, Maynard and New Bedford. Communities, nonprofits and other entities can learn more and apply at massdevelopment.com/commonwealthplaces.

MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development agency, works with businesses, nonprofits, financial institutions, and communities to stimulate economic growth across the Commonwealth. During FY2016, MassDevelopment financed or managed 352 projects generating investment of more than $4 billion in the Massachusetts economy. These projects are projected to create about 8,200 jobs and build or rehabilitate about 4,200 residential units.