New Export Resource Center Website Launched to Help Massachusetts Exporters
April 02, 2012
Kelsey Abbruzzese, MassDevelopment, 617-330-2086 & 617-448-9077
The Massachusetts Export Center and MassDevelopment have partnered to develop and launch the new Massachusetts Export Resource Center, a one-stop web resource for businesses to access a wide range of information on exporting. The website, launched today, works to help businesses grow and take advantage of international opportunities by offering different presentations on topics of interest to exporters. Subjects include export planning and international business development, global trade logistics, global trade banking and finance, and export regulatory compliance.
“Massachusetts companies are world export leaders, exporting more than $27 billion of products in 2011,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones. “MassDevelopment is pleased to partner with the Massachusetts Export Center to deliver this important resource for businesses vital to the Commonwealth's economy.”
Information on the site ranges from videos and podcasts to publications and templates. Staff from the Export Center and MassDevelopment participated in the presentations, as well as outside presenters who volunteered their time.
“The content and training offered through the Massachusetts Export Resource Center have been carefully designed to meet the complex, unique needs of exporting firms,” said Paula Murphy, Director of the Massachusetts Export Center for the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network. “We are delighted to partner with MassDevelopment to enhance the export competitiveness of Massachusetts businesses.”
MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development authority, offers loans, guarantees, and credit insurance to help companies that export or anticipate exporting their products or services internationally. Specialized export loans up to $2 million provide total financing for new equipment, facility improvements, and working capital. Export loan guarantees on working capital lines of credit and other eligible loans and export credit insurance on 90 to 100 percent of foreign receivables are also available.
MassDevelopment works with businesses, nonprofits, financial institutions, and communities to stimulate economic growth across the Commonwealth. During FY2011, MassDevelopment financed or managed more than 300 projects generating investment of $3.8 billion in the Massachusetts economy. These projects are projected to create more than 10,000 jobs (2,547 permanent and 8,129 construction), and build or rehabilitate more than 1,000 residential units.
The Massachusetts Export Center, part of the state’s Small Business Development Center Network, serves as a one-stop resource for export assistance, offering a range of targeted, customized services to exporters, including counseling, technical assistance, market research and training. The Export Center helps companies to develop their export strategies, assess potential export markets, establish overseas distribution channels, and navigate the regulatory, legal, logistical and financial aspects of the export transaction. In 2010, clients reported nearly $150 Million in export sales as a direct result of the assistance provided by the Massachusetts Export Center, helping to create or retain nearly 1,000 jobs in the Commonwealth.