Recurring Opportunities
Businesses and organizations can submit applications for the following opportunities to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Pilot Family Child Care Facilities Grant
The deadline to submit an application for round one has passed. A second round will be available in 2025.
A competitive program run in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). Grants can be used for projects that are “fixed and integrated” into the physical environment and are critical for helping the provider meet the following objectives:
- Increase enrollment up to the provider’s current licensed capacity.
- Enable providers to increase their current licensed capacity.
- Meaningfully improve the quality of care and education that can be provided in the program’s physical space.
What makes a good project?
- Have an active license from the EEC or actively be in the license renewal process with EEC.
- Be in regulatory “good standing”. Good standing is defined as having no investigations with serious findings, and no legal actions within the last five years.
- Have been actively providing licensed childcare for a minimum of two years prior to the application submission date.
- Operate a minimum of four days per week.
- Operate their childcare program out of a home that they own, outright or with a mortgage. Information for first-time homebuyers.
Awarded funds cannot be used for administrative overhead and costs, salaries, staff time or payroll, mortgage payments or rent, utility costs, insurance, or any other operating or working capital costs. For technical assistance, contact the Help Desk at 833-600-2074 or email
Program Guidelines
- English: Family Child Care Facilities Grant Program Guidelines
- Spanish: Programa de Subvención de Capital para el Cuidado Infantil Familiar
- Portuguese: Programa de Subsídio de Capital para Cuidados Infantis Familiares
- Simplified Chinese: 家庭儿童看护资本拨款计划
- Khmer: កម្មវិធីហិរញ្ញប្បទានសម្រាប់ទ្រទ្រង់ការមើលថែទាំកុមារនៅក្នុងលំនៅឋាន
- English: Prerecorded Webinar
- Spanish: Prerecorded Webinar
- Portuguese: Prerecorded Webinar
- Simplified Chinese: Prerecorded Webinar
Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program
Empowers community and economic development nonprofits—such as Community Development Corporations and Community Development Financial Institutions to deliver essential services to local small and microbusinesses across Massachusetts.
Nonprofits with established small business services can apply for funds provided that their proposed programming advances growth and stability for businesses with fewer than 20 employees and no more than $2.5 million in revenues.
The proposed programming must include a range of services such as one-on-one technical assistance, comprehensive business skills workshop training, and improved access to financing options. Any programming must address the needs of businesses, with a focus on job creation and economic growth.
This funding opportunity is available for businesses with fewer than 20 employees and no more than $2.5 million in revenues. Biz-M-Power makes available matching grants to growth-oriented qualifying businesses. The program aims to help small and microbusinesses offset the costs of acquisitions, expansions, improvement or lease of a facility, purchase or lease of equipment, and other capital needs. Businesses interested in applying will have to show the required 20% of the owner’s funds available at the application point to be considered.
Applicants needing support to fill out the application and gather required documents are encouraged to reach out to one of our non-profit partner organizations. Our non-profit partner organizations can provide tailored guidance and advice to ensure that applications are submitted in accordance with grant program guidelines.
Cultural Facilities Fund
Administered jointly with the Massachusetts Cultural Council, this program is an initiative to increase public and private investment in cultural facilities that are 501(c)(3) organizations engaged in the arts, humanities, or interpretive sciences. Three types of grants are available:
- Capital Grants for the acquisition, design, construction, repair, renovation, and rehabilitation of a cultural facility.
- Feasibility and Technical Assistance Grants for the planning and assessment of a cultural facility.
- Systems Replacement Grants for 20-year capital needs assessments of buildings and mechanical systems.
Eligible facilities include:
- Aquariums, Auditoriums, Classrooms, Concert Halls, Exhibition Spaces, Historic Sites, Museums, Theaters, and Zoos
Additionally, these facilities must be:
- Owned, leased, or used by one or more nonprofit cultural organizations; and
- Accessible to the public.
To be eligible, public, or private institutions of higher education that own cultural facilities must:
- Provide service and direct access to the community and the public beyond their educational mission; and
- Demonstrate financial need.
To be eligible, facilities owned by municipalities must be at least:
- 50% devoted to cultural purposes.
All grants require a match by contributions from the private or public sector.
Brownfields Redevelopment Fund
Finances the environmental assessment and remediation of brownfield sites. Eligible applicants include community development corporations, nonprofit organizations, EDICs, and municipalities and their agencies for publicly owned sites with an identified developer. Applicants have a redevelopment project that will commence site work and construction within a short period of time; have a demonstrated immediate funding gap in the development budget; and provide a substantial public benefit to the community they are in by eliminating blight, through the creation of employment or housing opportunities. Awards of up to $250,000 in site assessment funding, and/or up to $750,000 in remediation funding are available.
Lending Capital Matching Grant Program
This grant program empowers certified Community Development Corporations, certified Community Development Financial Institutions, and SBA microlenders to increase access to a range of business loan products to local small and microbusinesses across Massachusetts. Qualifying certified nonprofit community lenders can apply for funds provided that their proposed lending advances growth and stability for businesses with fewer than 20 employees and no more than $2.5 million in revenues. This grant program runs as a single application funding opportunity with the Microlending Operations Support Grant Program.
Microlending Operations Support Grant
Empowers certified Community Development Corporations, certified Community Development Financial Institutions, SBA microlenders, and United States Department of Agriculture Microlenders to increase access to loan-readiness technical assistance to local small and microbusinesses across Massachusetts. This funding opportunity supports the lending operations of qualifying community lenders providing services to businesses with fewer than 20 employees and no more than $2.5 million in revenues. This grant program runs as a single application funding opportunity with the Lending Capital Matching Grant Program.
Community Health Center Grant Program
New for 2025, MassDevelopment is piloting a Community Health Center Decarbonization Planning Grant Program. Designed to assist eligible Community Health Centers in advancing towards reducing their carbon emissions, this planning assistance will be offered in partnership with our technical assistance provider, PowerOptions.
Community One Stop for Growth
MassDevelopment manages several programs that are part of the state’s single application portal and collaborative review process of community development grant programs – making targeted investments based on a development continuum. Developers, nonprofit partners, and municipalities can apply for funds to advance projects that address housing shortages, eliminate blight, and stimulate local economies.
Underutilized Properties Program
Targets underutilized, abandoned, or vacant properties.
What makes a good project?
A good project provides public purpose in one or more of the following categories: creating jobs, driving innovation, eliminating blight, increasing housing production, supporting economic development projects, increasing the number of commercial buildings accessible to persons with disabilities, conserving natural resources through targeted rehabilitation, and/or reuse of vacant and underutilized property owned by the applicant.
While a particular application may not satisfy every criterion, application review is based on the totality of the facts and circumstances. Review criteria assesses the likelihood that the use of the requested funding will advance a project towards increased public benefits:
- Clarity, Purpose, and Users of the Space
- Ecosystem Analysis and Partnerships
- Goals of the Project
- Economic Impact
- Project Execution
Brownfields Funding
Available to municipalities seeking environmental assessment or remediation of municipally owned or controlled sites without an identified developer.
What makes a good project?
Environmental site assessment or remediation activities provided with the help of the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund can benefit a blighted and/or vacant site, controlled by the community, which has the potential for redevelopment – eventually returning the site to a property tax producing asset for the community.
Site Readiness Program
Aims to increase the state’s inventory of large, well-located, project-ready sites; to accelerate private-sector investment in industrial, commercial, and mixed-use projects; and to support the conversion of abandoned sites and obsolete facilities into clean, actively used, tax-generating properties.
What makes a good project?
Funding from the Site Readiness Program is meant to support a municipality’s efforts to support new, large-scale private development that can result in direct economic impact to the community in terms of new commercial, industrial, or mixed-use development. Projects that result in at least 50,000 square feet of commercial, industrial, or mixed-used development are most competitive.
Real Estate Services
Advances local economic development goals in cities and towns across Massachusetts – enabling municipalities to explore the development potential of key properties, address streetscape and infrastructure needs, and plan for growth.
What makes a good project?
Proposals must represent the redevelopment of public surplus property or district redevelopment planning.
Public Surplus Property
Public surplus property projects help a community find a new use for a property that results in redevelopment and accomplishes one or more of the following goals:
- Attract or retain jobs.
- Create housing.
- Assist historically disadvantaged communities.
- Advance smart growth.
- Planning and predevelopment to a point where the private sector invests in the project.
Project examples:
- Site Concept Plans and Market Feasibility Studies - Including feasibility and planning studies in addition to concept-level master planning.
- Request for Proposals / Qualifications - Development of materials to support the municipality's disposition process and the analysis of proposals to support their decision.
Future municipal use planning is not an eligible use of funds. However, if the future use is still to be determined, we can help explore other reuse options through community engagement activities.
District Redevelopment
Early-stage projects to spur economic development activities within a commercial, industrial, or mixed-use district to accomplish one or more of the following goals:
- Attract or retain jobs.
- Create housing.
- Assist historically disadvantaged communities.
- Advance smart growth.
- Planning and predevelopment to a point where the private sector invests in the project.
Project examples:
- District Redevelopment Strategies
- Corridor Studies
- District Improvement Financing (DIF)
To be competitive, a district should have public surplus property and/or underutilized property within the area.
TDI Equity Investment Program
New for 2025, the TDI Equity Investment program is a significant real estate-specific tool in the TDI district toolkit and is now part of the Community One Stop for Growth. The program supports the catalytic transformation of commercial properties in and around TDI districts. Through the program, MassDevelopment invests in near-term projects that activate ground-floor and commercial spaces that will have significant economic impact within a TDI district; are consistent with state and agency priorities; engage and build capacity in local communities and with partners; catalyze market demand and support TDI district goals; and lack other sufficient funding sources to proceed.
Collaborative Workspace Program
Currently unavailable.