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Back to State Piers

Fall River State Pier, Fall River



The Fall River State Pier is located on the eastern side of the Taunton River, below the I-195 Braga Bridge, with two rail spurs that provide direct access to 100,000 square feet of dry warehouse and container yard. Owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through its Department of Conservation & Recreation, the 8-acre property has been managed and operated by MassDevelopment since 2017.

MassDevelopment strives to maximize the property’s utilization around activities that both support the property, and its local and regional context along with the broader economic development outcome that such a dynamic asset creates. With current users including Atlantic Shipping and the Fall River Line Pier, the property is under 24/7 MARSEC security, and always open to new ideas.



1 Water Street, Fall River MA  02721

Administrative Hours

Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST

For more information:
