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Jodrey State Fish Pier, Gloucester



The Jodrey State Fish Pier and the Cape Ann Fisheries Center are located within the inner harbor of America’s oldest fishing port, providing a hub for marine commerce and commercial fishing.  Owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through its Department of Conservation & Recreation, the property has been managed and operated by MassDevelopment since 1995, and prior to such by the Government Land Bank (MassDevelopment’s predecessor) since 1990 under a long-term ground lease.

MassDevelopment strives to maximize the property’s utilization around marine uses that both support the property, and its local and regional context along with the broader economic development outcome that such an asset creates. Current users include 50+ commercial fishing vessels, seafood processing and storage, commercial fishing bait, and marine law enforcement.

The Jodrey State Fish Pier offers annual berthing licenses which automatically renew on an annual basis for good standing tenants that remain active commercial fishing and support vessels. Join the waiting list.

Current Availability

3 State Pier Unit A



2 State Pier, Gloucester MA 01930

Administrative Hours

Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST

For more information:
